- TEXT BY Angel
- POSTED 2015/01/01
Bowie Wong在2015-16巴黎秋冬時裝週上,發表了最新的Metamorphosis Collection,重新詮釋變形主題,選擇以蟬的各種樣貌構思,尤其以蟬翼上近似蕾絲的花樣作為這季服裝設計的主軸。Bowie Wong更花了兩年時間搜集了許多蟬脫下的殼,大膽運用在服裝的裝飾上,與禮服柔和的垂墜感產生對比。髮型操作上先於全頭上捲後刮蓬,再一層一層將頭髮塑造出蟬蛹的形狀,特別在前額部分創造一點弧度,頭頂和後頸部分強調蓬鬆厚度。
BowieWong began with an unusual idea - to drape not just material, but also metal and plastic boning. These structural elements combined with soft, delicate fabrics create subtle allusions to the unique shape of the cicada within each garment.
BowieWong has reinvented the theme of Metamorphosis. The initial inspiration came from studying the stages of transformation of a cicada. The individual elements of this insect, fromits curved shell to its fragile lace-like wings, have provided the foundations for BowieWong’s Metamorphosis collection.