Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • POSTED 2017/01/01

evo的髮型總監Kenna Kennor由此延伸,以「螢光吉普賽Neon Gypsy」為主題設計髮型。她使用evo最新發表的鬃毛圓梳Spike,在瀏海區創造搶眼的波紋,並使用假髮套來確保髮型不會在穿衣的過程中被破壞。配上粗黑的眼線,打造強烈的電子音樂風格。




Libertine founder Johnson Hartig created a light and bright collection; drawing inspiration from the eclectic mix of Romanian Gypsie, Ann Getty Interiors, Handel's "xerxes" and pop art. He executed a curated mash of texture and vibrancy throughout every design. Leopard prints, bold materials, embellishments and neon colours were unified through "neon gypsy", developed by Kenna Kennor, hair director for evo hair.


Using evo's newest, yet to be released brush, spike, Kenna created a strong dent in the fringe area of the models' hair. Tucking the hair into the hair net ensured the hair's structure remained even when it was tucked under and into the model's garments. This along with heavy black eye liner strengthened the facial structure of the models and gave structure to an otherwise eclectic look.

獨家造型技巧 Step by Step



◆ 噴灑美妙的免沖護髮噴劑做為打底,再噴灑老船長海鹽於髮根至髮尾。

◆ 使用風吹沙技術將頭髮撥乾,創造質地感而非蓬鬆度。

◆ 將瀏海髮片盡量向前吹整,模糊分線。

◆ 搭配圓梳,從髮根向前吹整,將圓梳停留於眼睛上方。

◆ 將髮片自然向前撥動,運用尖尾梳創造誇張的大旁分。

◆ 取一假髮套包住全頭。

◆ 噴灑定型噴霧微調定型。



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