- TEXT BY Angel Chou
- POSTED 2016/01/01
這是Richard James 2016春夏的時裝的靈感背景,在服裝上使用鮮豔色彩互相碰撞,讓筆挺的西裝有了年輕氣息,而髮型強調未完成感,凌亂微捲的頭髮顯露出他們不受拘束的叛逆,髮型總監Anthony Rawlings表示,「髮型訣竅是在前置階段透過份量感與改變頭髮質地,做出這種客意創造的未完成感,以凸顯英國紳士們終於掙脫束縛的自由。」
The overall look of the S/S16 Richard James show is based on the adventures of English Poet and surrealist Edward James. A quintessential english gentleman and poet who escaped the strictures of straight laced 1940s England for the Central American jungle. The hair look compliments the vibrant, colour drenched collection, and represents our raffish rebel, an english gentleman fresh from the jungle, full of undone exuberance, and dishevelled charm.
"The hair look was intentionally undone, as though our english gentleman began groomed but emerges onto the catwalk straight from the jungle, just a little dishevelled. The key was in achieving volume and texture at the prep stage."
• 將硬幣大小的GO24•7 HAIR GEL充分的塗抹在不會滴水的溼髮上,使用手指梳順以創造自然紋理。
• 吹乾時於髮根處製造膨鬆感,並用手指撥鬆頭髮。
• 最後使用GO24•7 TEXTURE PASTE於髮絲加強輪廓線條,並用冷風定型髮型。