Salon News Asia
Kevin Murphy 親自操刀 兩款髮型詮釋女性的強勢與浪漫
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Luis Murphy
  • POSTED 2016/01/01
Contemporary designer show

墨爾本春夏時裝週的髮型由外景造型大師Kevin Murphy親自操刀,他為當代設計師伸展台設計的髮型訴求清新的樣貌和簡潔的輪廓線條,並加入東方元素,將馬尾纏繞起來呈現更強力且時尚的氛圍。


The hair created for the Contemporary designer show at Melbourne Spring Fashion Week featured fresh, clean lines and oriental elements, with bound hair to complement the strong, modern feel of the designs showcased on the runway.


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造型獨家技巧 Step by step

◆ 在濕髮上噴灑海洋天堂,吹乾後創造動感。

◆ 中分前側頭髮,保留髮際髮絲。

◆ 後側頭髮用手指與大齒梳梳整成一低馬尾,並用彈性繩固定,塗抹彈簧膠創造乾淨線條。

◆ 使用黑色膠帶纏繞馬尾。

◆ 最後噴灑龍捲風進行微調。

Urban Bloom designer show

Urban Bloom伸展台秀如其名,伸展台兩側以大型花卉點綴,彷彿走入巨大的花園叢林,髮型上Kevin Murphy融合品牌2017年的趨勢主題Super Natural,以自然的波紋質感,充分展現春天的浪漫風情。


The Urban Bloom designer show at Melbourne Spring Fashion Week featured runway hair inspired by the ‘super natural’ with naturally textured, strategically placed waves that embraced individuality. This runway was in full bloom with bold, ready-to-wear collections that celebrated the colourful nature of spring.


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造型獨家技巧Step by step

◆ 在濕髮從髮根至髮尾噴灑永保青春與上引噴霧,吹乾定型後,噴灑少許海洋天堂。

◆ 頭髮分十字分區橫向至耳後。

◆ 從頸部橫向分區開始操作,使用大電棒創造正反波紋,用手撥開待頭髮冷確定型;前側斜向分區操作。

◆ 使用大齒梳梳開前側頭髮並用捲髮夾固定;後側頭髮輕輕撥開創造豐盈感。

◆ 噴灑太超過進行最後微調。





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