Salon News Asia
KEVIN.MURPHY 合作瑞典品牌Ida Sjöstedt 再現八〇搖滾的叛逆時尚
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • POSTED 2016/01/01

瑞典時裝設計師Ida Sjöstedt在2月時發表2016秋冬作品,她將1980年代的蘇格蘭搖滾樂團Strawberry Switchblade轉換成2016全新風貌,其作品更被Vogue雜誌評為「翻玩設計的夢幻服裝」。

On February 2, 2016, Swedish couturier Ida Sjöstedt debuted her upcoming F/W collection at Stockholm Fashion Week. Described by Vogue as the creator of “dreamy dresses with a playful touch,” the designer turned to the 80′s Scottish rock band Strawberry Switchblade for some new wave inspiration in her otherwise refined collection of designs.

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KEVIN.MURPHY的國際造型大師Juha-Matti Mannine分析2016的髮型趨勢,他認為「自然感」將會今年的關鍵字,色彩接近原生髮色,在髮型輪廓上以略帶凌亂的柔和波浪展現個性,更可以留長瀏海,如同面紗一般覆蓋在臉上。他也將這些趨勢應用在這次時裝秀的髮型上,Juha-Matti與鑽石講師Kristina Wolff帶領瑞典的造型團隊以三管電棒創造明顯波紋,並以KEVIN.MURPHY的上引噴霧與金光閃閃增加頭髮的蓬鬆感與閃耀亮度,在前額處則以短瀏海髮片創造叛逆少女的活潑魅力。




Finnish STYLE.MASTER Juha-Matti Manninen led the Swedish KEVIN.MURPHY team alongside DIAMOND.KEY Kristina Wolff and European Education Support Emma Hallstensson. This team of artists used ANTI.GRAVITY.SPRAY, SHIMMER.SHINE, TEXTURE.COMBS, bang extensions, and three-barrel wavers to put a frisky spin on the textured manes that swept the eighties.

“I always look for inspiration from the collections from the fashion weeks and you can predict where the fashion is going.”Juha-Matti says, “For 2016, soft looks taken a bit further to have a bit moody almost rebellious feel. Long fringes like a veil. Natural colours hair almost looking a bit unkept.”



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