Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • POSTED 2016/01/01


AW16 marks the 24th successful season for TONI&GUY a an official parter of London Fashion Week.

The TONI&GUY artistic and session team features some of the best hairdressing talent from around the globe. Together, they created the hair looks for 24 shows, form the simple and classic through to statement making styles.


The Anti-Braid

在Apu Jan的時裝秀上,TONI&GUY藝術團隊的總監Indira Schauwecker 展現了前所未見的全新編髮,透過雙結的結構,創造暗黑風格的編髮 ; 而Paul Costelloe的時裝秀上,Cos Sakkas則以相似的雙結結構為基底,透過線條解構,以凌亂的未完成感完美詮釋了Paul Costelloe秋冬時裝欲展現的遊牧民族女戰士奔放不羈的豪邁。

Braids like you’ve never seen before – the smooth plaits of SS16 have taken a detour to the darker side, with twisted double knot-braids at Apu Jan and deconstructed-half-done plaits on Paul Costelloe’s nomadic warrior women.


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Whimsical Wisps

以往覺得礙眼無比的胎毛在這今年秋冬卻成了打造女孩風無害自然感的最好幫手。透過柔軟的胎毛修飾臉周輪廓,Indira Schauwecker在Apu Jan和Sid Neigum的時裝秀上都把胎毛發揚光大,她使用逆刮的技巧讓胎毛更加明顯,並透過造型品搭配手指梳順,創造自然的風動感,也在臉頰周圍創造如光暈一般的柔和線條。

This season’s texture extends to the soft new hairs that frame your face. Gently teased and left loose or finger shaped to softly border the face, the look is slightly undone, slightly windswept, and very natural.


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髪飾和珠寶在這一季的秋冬時裝週上大放異彩,Efi Davies在結構鮮明的繩編上放上TONI&GUY最新系列的髪飾「珠寶甲蟲」,閃亮的飾品如星星一般的點亮了整體造型 ; 而Lantern Sense時裝秀的髮型在Chie Sato的設計下,以耳環班精細小巧的髪飾點綴在貼頭編上,加上垂墜的鏈條讓龐克搖滾多了更多的金屬元素。

A structured rope-braid was created at Rohmir and decorated with ‘Beetle Jewels’ hair slides from TONI&GUY’s new Hair Accessories range – adding glistening touches of gold throughout the look.

Lantern Sense saw soft grunge top-knots and side scalp-braids finished with earrings dotted down the braid and the ‘Pretty In Punk’ TONI&GUY ear cuff to compliment the 90’s inspired collection.


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