- TEXT BY Angel Chou
- POSTED 2016/01/01
時裝設計師Bowie Wong於巴黎時裝週發表2016的全新ABC123系列,以女學生的制服為靈感,在服裝上以代表女孩的蝴蝶結意象作為點綴,Bowie Wong將平凡無聊的學生制服作為畫布,也是向時尚女孩們喜歡在制服上動點小巧思的創意致敬。
designer Bowie Wong showcased his SS2016 haute couture collection at Hôtel The Peninsula Paris. Wong’s collection, aptly named ABC123, pays homage to “young women who create unique ways to style their school uniforms.”
來自義大利的KEVIN.MURPHY國際造型大師Massimo Morello第四度擔任時裝秀的髮型總監,Massimo表示,自己是一個很靠感覺的人,在設計髮型時不一定會參考時下的流行,反而喜歡從服裝本身發想,知道這點,Bowie Wong常與Massimo分享服裝草圖,對於髮型設計的幫助很大。為呼應服裝的設計,Massimo打造8款有蝴蝶結意象的髮型,在髮型收尾部分也特意保留些許凌亂的未完成感。
Italian STYLE.MASTER Massimo Morello returned for his fourth year as the show’s Hair Director, orchestrating eight unique looks to compliment Wong’s couture creations. An international affair ensued backstage, with members of the KEVIN.MURPHY team flying in from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Cyprus and Taiwan. Together, they crafted eight styles worthy of walking the Paris Fashion Week catwalk.
Playing off Bowie’s nod to youth and innocence, Morello and the KEVIN.MURPHY team crafted each hairstyle to include some sort of bow. This same school girl touch was celebrated by the designer in many of his chic designs.