摩洛哥優油專屬柔亮感 浪漫旅人的隨興波浪髮
- TEXT BY Angel
- PHOTOGRAPHY BY Moroccanoil
- POSTED 2015/01/01
髮型設計師Christian Eberhard表示,自己立刻喜歡上Missoni和他寄託在秋冬男裝的故事,「我希望用不對稱的波浪呈現狂放不羈的質感,打造一種歷經長途旅程、略為凌亂的旅人風格。」
Moroccanoil’s styling team, with Hair Design led by Christian Eberhard, created a conceptual aesthetic for Missoni’s Autumn Winter Collection at Milan Men’s Fashion Week. Taking their lead from the daring yet wearable fashion collection, the hair was thematic but entirely trendy.
The fashion collection was inspired by a trans-Siberian journey across the territories of Russia, Mongolia and China, in search of new adventures and discoveries.
獨家造型技巧 step by step
◆ 為了掌握這種刻意凌亂的效果,一定要做全良好的打底基礎。
◆ 首先於全髮使用優油輕盈豐量慕思。
◆ 將慕思均勻梳順,取幾綹頭髮繞捲並以髮夾固定,創造鬆軟波浪。
◆ 全髮噴灑優油強力打光噴霧,使造型更持久。
◆ 吹乾頭髮後取下髮夾,以手撥弄頭髮,創造宛如長途旅程後踏出列車那一刻,頭髮所呈現的波浪、自然未經修飾感。
◆ 最後使用優油塑形乳以確保造型的質感,並以摩洛哥優油營造柔軟、健康效果。