Salon News Asia
沙宣團對與加拿大設計師Edeline Lee五度合作默契滿分
  • POSTED 2014/01/01

第五度與Edeline Lee合作,Sassoon今年再次為這位來自加拿大的服裝設計師操刀髮型設計,打造最完美的新裝發表會,而此次活動的地點相當特別,選定在劍橋大學King’s College國王學院位於倫敦分校的幾間廢棄的教室,其地點正位於英國皇室豪宅Somerset House的下方,帶有點頹廢的貴氣感。


由Sassoon資深創意總監Damien Peers帶領Sassoon外景造型設計團隊,此次的造型靈感來自於設計師Edeline早年彈鋼琴的兒時記憶以及近期到俄羅斯旅遊的體驗,希望能表現出極度神秘,彷彿記憶消失的意境。Damien表示,Edeline此季的作品大量運用各種不同的元素,像是富有鮮明色彩、圖像以及融合不同質地布料的有趣設計,在髮型上Sassoon以極度光亮、滑順並帶點有幾何感及三角狀的細緻馬尾造型作為搭配,並且塗抹少量的白色色彩為髮型創造出焦點。




For the fifth consecutive season, Sassoon was delighted to support London based Canadian designer Edeline Lee. The presentation took place on Monday 16th September in a series of abandoned classrooms at King’s College, underneath Somerset House, London.


Leading the Hair Team was Sassoon Senior Creative Director, Damien Peers who explained that “the inspiration for the presentation was taken from Edeline’s early memories of playing the piano and a recent trip to Russia. She wanted the mood to be eerie, like a forgotten memory”.


Damien says, “To complement the bright, graphic and interesting juxtapositions of fabric and texture in the collection, the hair was parted into slick, graphic, triangle partings and painted white. The hair was gathered carefully into sleek, highly-polished, super-luxe ponytails. A small section of hair out of the ponytail was wrapped around the band and secured with a pin. A combination of Sassoon Professional Spray Shine and Motion Hold was used for shine and definition to create a lustrously shiny look.”





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