- TEXT BY 周信潔
- POSTED 2014/12/01
Hair Director, Kevin Murphy and his renowned team of SESSION.STYLISTS created a relaxed, bohemian look at ‘Runway 4’ of Melbourne Spring Fashion Week’s designer series, forecasting ‘festival’ as a new genre of hair styling.
靈感源自60年代在音樂節慶上常見的嬉皮打扮, 汲取波西米亞、60與70年代風格的元素,Kevin Murphy表示:「我想營造的是那種年輕女孩參加音樂節,到了節慶尾聲時,把原先綁好的頭髮自然放下的那種輕鬆感」。
“This look was inspired by the emergence of festival dressing. Festival has become a genre and has its roots in hippie”, said Hair Director, Kevin Murphy. With festival season fast approaching, the messy ‘do is expected to be a hot favorite among festival goers, taking cues from bohemian-hair styles of the ‘60s and ‘70s.
“The idea behind the look is a young girl who puts her hair up at the beginning of a festival but as the day goes by she lets her hair go”, said Kevin Murphy.
◆ 噴上永保青春打底,填補毛鱗片孔洞,瞬效調理髮況,讓頭質均勻、柔順。
◆ 頭髮進行分區並編出鬆散的髮辮。
◆ 再次噴上上引噴霧進行二次打底,吹乾等待冷卻。
◆ 解開髮辮梳開,自眉鋒處往側邊旁分。
◆ 使用鬃毛梳逆刮髮根,用手指梳開。
◆ 在上層分出一大把頭髮,往旁邊抓攏,用彈性髮帶固定,用手指內外纏繞,創造出螺旋般的線條。
◆ 在造型上灑上泡沫,創造豐盈髮量與蓬鬆質地。