- TEXT BY Angel Chou
- POSTED 2016/01/01
參考1960年代的代表人物Jane Birkin、Nancy Sinatra和Jean Shrimpton等人,髮型總監Ali Pirzadeh希望讓頭髮呈現清新自然的樣貌,同時又添加了年輕活潑的元素。
使用UNITE mousse和rough drying幫助打底,增加膨鬆質感,並能增加捲度的塑形效果;最後則是使用7SECONDS Glossing Spray增加髮絲光亮感,再以7SECONDS Refresher增加髮尾的亮度。
“With references to a youthful Jane Birkin, Nancy Sinatra and Jean Shrimpton circa 1960, we wanted the hair to feel fresh, playful and just a little girl interrupted. We choose a side part, a refreshing change from the centre part which has dominated the catwalks for the last couple of seasons, and made sure we created lots of texture in the preparation stage. Using UNITE mousse and rough drying we were able to create a strong and voluminous base which we tonged to create added texture with a natural looking wave. To finish we used the UNITE 7SECONDS Glossing Spray to define flyaway, and curls, along with the UNITE 7SECONDS Refresher through the ends which created a dual texture of shine to catch the light juxtaposed with dry ends.” - Ali Pirzadeh
◆ 在乾髮時將UNITE ELEVATE Mousse慕斯塗抹在髮根部位。
◆ 以吹風機搭配梳子大致將頭髮吹乾,將頭髮分為旁分,小心不要破壞頭髮質地。
◆ 吹乾後以直徑較大的圓梳輔助,吹蓬髮根。
◆ 將兩側頭髮稍稍的塞入耳後,增添少女氣息,並噴灑UNITE 7SECONDS Glossing,以手指纏繞頭髮創造鬆散的螺旋波紋。
◆ 在髮中至髮尾區段噴灑UNITE 7SECONDS Refresher,增加頭髮光澤。
◆ 最後以UNITE Max Control Hairspray收尾,確保頭髮保有自然感。