Salon News Asia
超模代言Moroccanoil 不只是宣傳髮品 將成功女性形象深植人心
  • TEXT BY 周信潔
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Moroccanoil
  • POSTED 2014/10/01

在專業髮品的行銷經營上,少有公司願意砸大錢聘請知名代言人,Moroccanoil卻反其道而行,八月時宣布將由英國超模蘿西.杭亭頓–懷特莉擔任最新全球品牌形象代言人,以Inspired by Women為宣傳主軸,強調女性需求、鼓舞讚揚全球女性。

Moroccanoil has announced Rosie Huntington-Whiteley to be the first ever celebrity face of Moroccanoil, being featured in a multimedia campaign, Inspired by Women, which was created to inspire, celebrate and empower women around the world.



蘿西.杭亭頓–懷特莉為英國模特兒,Victoria's Secret、BURBERRY和各大時裝周都少不了她的身影,她是好萊塢男星傑森史塔森的女友,更曾任電影《變形金剛3》的女主角。她本人也是Moroccanoil的愛好者,這次出任全球品牌形象代言人,在首波釋出的形象照中,蘿西完美無瑕的肌膚配上裸唇淡妝,一頭金色秀髮垂散下來,模樣羨煞全球女性。

As a big fan of Moroccanoil, Rosie has become the first celebrity of this iconic brand. The Transformers actress and top model can be seen in the ad with flawless skin along with a nude lipstick. And of course her stunning hair lights up the whole image.



在全球引頸期盼九月中旬能看到更多照片釋出的同時,根據WWD的報導,屆時也會有一系列由Bryce Dallas Howard執導的短片一同發布,共計六部短片,分別以蘿西和其他五位橫跨各界的成功女性為主角,內容含括幕後直擊、人物專訪、她們個人Inspired by Women的靈感分享和那些在成功道路深深影響她們的故事。

While we’re expecting to see Rosie’s upcoming print ad, there’s also an expectative series of videos directed by Bryce Dallas Howard. According to WWD, there will be a series of six videos includes behind-the-scenes videos, photos and interviews. The short-film series will bring to life the inspirations of Rosie and five other influential women (ranging from education to textiles) to share their unique, personal journeys. They will speak about their beauty inspirations, as well as the powerful stories of five extraordinary ‘Influencers’ in their lives that lead each of them to their success.




"Inspiration is a priceless commodity," said Dallas Howard. "My hope is that, by learning about the stories of these remarkable women, others will feel inspired and moved to action."


“A lot of the women I surround myself with tend to be older than me. I always love to be around women I can learn something from.” Rosie tells WWD that she finds inspiration from many women including Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Eve Ensler, Rihanna, Stevie Nicks, her sister, her mum, and her yoga teacher.



Moroccanoil的副總裁David Krzypow也在WWD的採訪中說道:「我們在這次的宣傳中企圖傳達三個意象—我們眼中的女性、我們眼中的美麗和我們認為的人生意義。」

David Krzypow, vice president of marketing at Moroccanoil, said to WWD: “The campaign is an expression of three things: our view of women, our view of beauty and our view of what’s our purpose in life.”


Moroccanoil is going to launch its multimedia advertising campaign also featuring Huntington-Whiteley on Sept. 17. The campaign will launch alongside a new range of Moroccanoil hair products - the Smooth Collection.





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