首席外景造型師 KEVIN.MURPHY 操刀墨爾本春夏時裝秀
- TEXT BY Angel Chou
- POSTED 2016/01/01
The Opening Gala designer runway at Melbourne Spring Fashion Week (MSFW), was held at the Melbourne Town Hall last night with Hair Director Kevin Murphy and his team of Session.Stylists creating an effortless yet sculpted look to complement the modern, feminine designs.
The hair reflected the designs showcased by leading Australian and international designers including Aurelio Costarella, Bianca Spender, Carla Zampatti, CRISTAHKEA, Gwendolynne, Jasongrech, OneDay, Rachel Gilbert and Thurley.
造型獨家技巧Step by step
1. 從髮根至髮尾全頭噴灑上引噴霧,吹乾後創造豐盈感。
2. 頭頂分一U行分區,兩側剩餘頭髮綁一低馬尾於頸部。
3. 使用中型電棒在頭髮上創造正反波浪造型。
4. 在髮根一公分處進行逆刮,並噴灑龍捲風定型。
5. 離髮尾三吋處進行編髮,並噴灑金閃閃消除毛躁並增添光澤。