Salon News Asia
黃昏沙漠中最閃光芒 摩洛哥優油分解埃及女王髮型
  • TEXT BY Sunshine Lo
  • POSTED 2014/10/01

摩洛哥優油的全球創意總監-Antonio Corral Calero也在髮型上,演繹出女王唯我獨尊卻不失性感的樣貌。他將模特兒直順的長髮束成雙結馬尾,狀似聖甲蟲,埃及的護身符,這個結合埃及神話元素的髮型,充分呼應了Cushnie et Ochs以埃及女王為靈感的最新作品。





Moroccanoil Global Creative Director, Antonio Corral Calero was inspired by the powerful sexiness synonymous with Cleopatra as well as ancient Egyptian mythology. The sleek ponytail, featured a double elastic creating a shape reminiscent of the scarab beetle—an Egyptian amulet.


◆ 先使用摩洛哥優油在濕髮上打底護理,讓頭髮更好梳理。

◆ 接著讓優油抗熱防護噴霧在頭髮上形成保護膜,減少熱傷害。並且用優油閃亮噴霧增加亮澤感。

◆ 將頭髮吹乾,噴上優油打光定型霧提供長效且充滿彈性的支撐力。

◆ 將頭髮梳成高馬尾,拉緊後用橡皮筋固定。

◆ 再次噴灑優油抗熱防護噴霧增加支撐力,並用一小束頭髮纏繞在橡皮筋上。

◆ 使用專業平板夾將下方頭髮做出更直順的完美造型

◆ 用橡皮筋束在頭髮中間,並用髮夾固定在頸部上方,輕輕拉鬆上方頭髮,使髮型更加自然。

◆ 最後,再次使用優油閃亮噴霧和優油打光定型霧,最整體髮型做最後修飾,使秀髮散發光澤亮采。


◆ “Apply Moroccanoil Treatment to damp hair to condition and hydrate strands for easier styling.”

◆ Next, spritz Moroccanoil Heat Styling Protection and Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine throughout the entire head to help achieve maximum hold and control with added heat protection.

◆ “Blow dry hair smooth using Moroccanoil Boar Bristle Brush and finish with a spray of Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray.”

◆ “Pull hair into tight ponytail at the crown using Moroccanoil Boar Bristle Paddle Brush and secure with bungee elastic.”

◆ “Next, take 1” section of ponytail and spray with Moroccanoil Heat Styling Protection for long-lasting hold. Wrap hair around the elastic and secure.”

◆ “Using Moroccanoil’s Titanium Ceramic Hair Styling Iron straighten the ponytail in 1” sections for a super-straight, sleek style.”

◆ “With second elastic, secure hair 1?” from base. Gently loosen section between elastics to create voluminous, “puffed” element of sophistication at the top of the ponytail. Pin elastic to hair underneath.”

◆ “Finish with spritz of Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine for a luminous, sleek finish and Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray for long-lasting hold.”



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